Radne skupine

Nacionalne stručne radne skupine

U svakoj od zemalja partnera, Portugalu, Hrvatskoj i Bugarskoj, osnovat će se radna skupina u kojoj će sudjelovati predstavnici mladih koji su bili u alternativnoj skrbi, stručnjaka iz sustava socijalne skrbi, nevladinih organizacija i institucija. Ove stručne radne skupine će kroz 5 susreta identificirati izazove koji se nalaze u ovom području, predložiti načine na koje kreatori politika mogu pridonijeti njihovom rješavanju kao i razvoj zajedničke metodologije rada stručnjaka u području alternativne skrbi.

Nacionalni forumi stručnjaka

Ovi skupovi su usmjereni na poticanje rasprave među stručnjacima koji rade u području zaštite prava djece i mladih u riziku, o preporukama i predloženim mehanizmima podrške za spomenutu ciljanu skupinu. Glavni cilj je doći do nove perspektive koja će, nadamo se, doprinijeti poboljšanju postupanja stručnjaka u sustavu socijalne skrbi te uključiti i druge stručnjake u aktivnosti zagovaranja primjene gore spomenutih procedura i metodologija.

Europski forum stručnjaka

Europski forum stručnjaka činit će predstavnici stručnih radnih skupina iz svake od partnerskih zemalja sa svrhom pružanja preporuka za unapređenje podrške mladima koji izlaze iz alternativne skrbi. Jedan od ključnih ciljeva je definiranje transnacionalnih preporuka o pravima djece i mladih koji žive u alternativnoj skrbi a čije će se predstavljanje održati u Europskom parlamentu.

Training and Capacity-Building of Professionals

This dimension includes the adaptation of a training programme focused on professionals who work in the child protection field, which will be tested in pilot-sessions and later disseminated – after its thorough implementation and assessment. Then, all the participants of said sessions will be asked to train other professionals from the technical and educational teams of foster homes who deal with children and teenagers going through pre-autonomy processes.

The training manual will be available online, thus facilitating its dissemination and reaching a higher number of people interested in the theme.

Support Services


This service focuses on teenagers going through a pre-autonomy/autonomy process and it aims to provide guidelines, support, information and advices to teenagers and young adults living in foster care, thus promoting successful processes of autonomy, positive transitions and social inclusion. This service will available every day through telephone, so all individuals can resort to it whenever they need it. The support and monitoring of these teenagers are based on the creation of a multidisciplinary network of professionals (education, employment, healthcare, etc.) who are interested and committed to collaborate with this service.

Workshops on life autonomy

This dimension includes several workshops on “Preparation for an autonomous/independent life” to teenagers – which will focus on the following:

– Employment (job searching; how to write a CV; preparing for a job interview; work ethics and attitudes, etc.);
– Management of household income;
– Social support network;
– Healthier lifestyle habits;
– The importance of leisure;
– Relationships and sexual health.

Discussion groups

These groups will favour socialisation experiences and the sharing of experiences between young adults who have lived in foster homes and teenagers going through said period and preparing themselves to transition to adulthood.

Mentorship programme

Teenagers who have lived in foster home will develop this programme and act as mentors/peer educators to other individuals, in order to empower and help them during the transitional period right after leaving foster care.

OUTogether Makes Strength